When someone tells you they go for acupuncture it may not be what you imagine! There are many different streams of acupuncture, from Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture (TCM), which focuses on maintaining the balance of chi, or vital energy in the body, to Japanese acupuncture, to Contemporary Medical Acupuncture.
At Danforth East Wellness we use Contemporary Medical Acupuncture to help us achieve the results we are looking for. Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is a nerve stimulation technique, which involves the painless insertion of extra fine needles into specific areas. This stimulates the nervous system to release certain substances in the brain, thereby altering the body’s pain pathways.
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture works at both local and global levels. Here are some ways that happens!
- altering pain sensation: stimulating the central nervous system through certain acupuncture points changes the pain sensation
- tissue repair: the acupuncture improves blood flow to local areas, and the rest of the body, allowing oxygen and nutrients to help repair tissues
- reduction of tension: acupuncture helps to release trigger points and assist in relaxation of fascia and tissue
- calming the body and mind: stimulation of nerves in the body improves energy and biochemical balance, allowing the body to heal itself and promote physical and emotional well-being.
Acupuncture has been shown an effective treatment for many conditions. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes the use of acupuncture in the treatment of several neurological and muscular disorders, some of which include:
- Headaches
- Neck and back pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Sports injuries (sprains, strains)
- Sciatica
- Neuritis (inflammation of nerves)
- Facial pain.
Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is a treatment modality that works well on its own or in combination with other therapies. Please call or email to talk about how acupuncture can fit into your health regimen!
References: Canadian Contemporary Acupuncture Association, 2010-2016. McMaster University Medical Contemporary Acupuncture Program, 2016.