Adapting To COVID-19

In this section you will find information about our procedures at the clinic that we undertake in order to create a comfortable space that makes it as safe as possible for both you and our practitioners. If you would like further clarification or information about our policies please do not hesitate to reach out to us. And as always, we welcome your feedback!

Patient responsibilities:

There is no penalty for canceling an in-person visit as a result of sickness. If you had recent gastrointestinal symptoms within the last 48 hours, respiratory symptoms or fever within the last 24 hours, or close contact with a person with a communicable disease, please cancel and/or reschedule your appointment.

Masking is a conversation at the clinic, which means that choices on masking are respected in the clinic. Some of our practitioners wish to remain masked, and also wish their patients to remain masked. Some of our practitioners are fine with being unmasked with their patients also unmasked. Please respect the wishes of your healthcare practitioner, as we respect yours. We can accommodate you through a variety of arrangements if you have requirements for full masking. These could be as simple as placing you in the first visit of the day, or having treatments in a room that has not been used that day. Let us know if this is something that is needed.

Please attend the clinic just prior to/at your appointed time to assist with physical distancing. The clinic door is locked, so just press the buzzer to the left of the door to let us know you are here. Someone will remotely unlock the door to allow you in for your appointment.

Practitioner responsibilities:

We have a vaccine policy at the clinic that states that all practitioners and staff on premises must be fully vaccinated. Everyone (practitioners and staff) is comfortable and happy in sharing their fully vaccinated status. We feel it is important on many levels for us to provide this information to you. We are also clear and transparent about the fact that your vaccination status will not be judged at the clinic and will not affect our care for you in any way or form.

Additional clinic procedures:

Disinfection of surfaces such as treatment tables will be performed after each patient, and the waiting area chair, light switches, door handles, the stair rail, and pay terminal will be performed daily. Tap for payments and emailed receipts are preferred. 

There are hepa filters in each room in the clinic (except reception which gets a high flow of air exchange due to the door opening frequently). The HVAC system for the clinic also has a viral filter on it. 

If you are more comfortable with having the first appointment of the day we will do our best to arrange that for you.

There are some extra details in our blog section of the website (Wellness Talk) about some of our procedures, but please connect with us either at or 416-461-1906 if you require more detailed information.