Supporting each other!

Thank you so much for all of your outpourings of support for the clinic through this difficult time. We are very grateful to have such wonderful patients. Some of you have asked how you can continue to help and we’ve come up with a few ideas if you are interested and able.

  • Follow us on Facebook (Danforth East Wellness) and Instagram (@DanforthEastWellness), if you don’t already
  • Read and share our blogs and Facebook posts
  • Consider buying gift certificates for registered massage therapy (just a side note that they cannot be reimbursed by insurance companies)
  • Leave reviews for us on Facebook, Google and Yelp

To help support YOU through this time, please know that we are available for virtual appointments and consultations for any of your questions. Let us know if there is particular content you would like us to address in our blogs that would help you. Also, please know that if you DO happen to run into difficulties, our chiropractors are available for emergency only visits.

Take care and be well until we see you next,


The Danforth East Wellness Team

Dr. Katarina Bulat, Dr. Elisa Petricca, Dr. Nicole DeYonge, Susan Tomkins RMT