Danielle Adler, Danforth East Wellness staff4

Welcoming Danielle Adler to the psychotherapy team!

We are so excited to be welcoming Danielle Adler (she/her) to our psychotherapy team! She will be accepting clients in September on-line, and will have some in-person sessions available beginning October.

Danielle is primarily a relational therapist although her approach is informed by Gestalt Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, and Emotionally-Focused Therapy. Her focus is on couples, parenting, and individuals confronting challenges in a relationship with a partner, child or parent. These primary connections in our lives can be both demanding and fulfilling. It is frequently those closest to us who evoke our most intense emotional responses. A session for couples, or two people in relationship, can include intimate partners, parent/child, co-parents, and siblings. Danielle’s work with clients is grounded in empathy, compassion and practicality, with a view to creating meaningful, connected relationships.

As a mother of two teens and in marriage for over 20 years she has a lot of personal experience with many stages of life. She admits that her marriage has been a rollercoaster, and the outcome of challenging, meaningful work with her husband has been very rewarding. 

Danielle connects and de-stresses through volunteer work and teaching morning fitness classes, and in a previous life, Danielle was admitted to the Bar of Ontario.

We think that Danielle will be a wonderful member of our team and we are looking forward to working with her, and having her work at the clinic! You can book a 15 minute free discovery call with her by emailing her at Danielle@danfortheastwellness.ca

The Danforth East Wellness Team

Masks are a Conversation at the Clinic

Masking is a Conversation at the Clinic

Masking is a conversation at the clinic, which means that choices on masking are respected in the clinic. Some of our practitioners wish to remain masked, and also wish their patients to remain masked. Some of our practitioners are fine with being unmasked with their patients also unmasked. Please respect the wishes of your healthcare practitioner, as we respect yours.

We can accommodate you through a variety of arrangements if you have requirements for full masking. These could be as simple as placing you in the first visit of the day, or having treatments in a room that has not been used that day. Let us know if this is something that is needed.

Of course, as always, please mask if you have had recent gastrointestinal symptoms, respiratory symptoms, or fever, within 48 hours of an appointment, or if you have had close contact with a person with a communicable disease.

If you are uncomfortable with these changes let us know and we will work with you and endeavour to make you feel safe in our clinic.

Covid Protocol Details

This blog is all about our covid protocol details and the minutiae of some of what we are doing in the clinic to keep both practitioners and patients safe. We have been working successfully over this whole time that covid has been happening, and I’m proud to say that the team has done extremely well under these stressful circumstances without any incidents at all. If you still have questions after reading this blog, please feel free to ask for more details or information so we can put your mind at ease (email is hello@danfortheastwellness.ca and phone number is 416-461-1906). 
First off, to start and end the day we use a disinfectant (Foster 40-80, which is on the Canada guide for disinfectants effective against covid) on all touch surfaces in the clinic. We also spray down used surfaces between patients. We use hand sanitizer (either manorapid or isagel, which are on the Canada guide for hand sanitizers effective against covid) for patients and practitioners. When someone enters the clinic they are asked to remove their shoes and either wear a pair of indoor shoes they’ve brought, use a pair of new socks, or use clinic crocs. We ask them to sanitize their hands. If they have a cloth mask or a visibly soiled mask we provide an ASTM level 2 mask for them. Some practitioners ask that all patients replace their masks with a new one, for their own comfort levels. If people are wearing KN95s we generally do not ask them to remove them, but again, it is at the practitioner’s discretion as to how they feel most protected. The practitioners either wear ASTM level 3 surgical masks or KN95s. 
In the registered massage therapy rooms the tables are covered with a vinyl slip clover, and all pillows are sealed in vinyl. These are then disinfected between patients. Then we apply linens which are completely changed between patients and laundered twice a week by Beach Solar Laundromat
There are hepa filters in each room in the clinic (except reception which gets a high flow of air exchange due to the door opening frequently). The HVAC system for the clinic also has a viral filter on it. We send a covid screening to every patient two hours before their appointment. There is no fee for a last minute cancellation due to illness, and we are thankful to have a very responsible patient base that is considerate of our safety. 
We do contact tracing for all people entering the premises. The practitioners self-screen every day, as mandated by our regulatory bodies.
PHEW! There we are! A quick over-view of our covid policies and procedures!

Stay healthy and safe and see you soon!

The Danforth East Wellness Team

Dr. Anita Gill, Danforth East Wellness

Coming Full Circle

It’s amazing how sometimes things come full circle! Dr. Anita Gill (she/her) is joining our clinic as a chiropractor two Saturdays a month beginning October 23, but she actually began her career as Dr. Katarina Bulat‘s very first associate over ten years ago!
Dr. Anita is an extremely talented chiropractor who graduated from New York Chiropractic College in 2006 Cum Laude. She has returned to Toronto after living in The Big Apple for five years. As a mother to three active girls and a 100lb puppy, Dr. Anita is well aware of the important role that chiropractic care plays in living each day mobile and pain free.  She incorporates nutritional counselling and physical exercises to help patients achieve their health goals, while working within their comfort levels. When she is not at work, she enjoys working out, spending quality time with her family and friends, and of course good food!
Currently Dr. Anita is prioritizing existing patients in the clinic, but is also open to seeing new patients who primarily have maintenance and wellness needs.

Dr. Anita is looking forward to being a key part in your journey to good health and well being!

Pandemics are Bad for Your Mental Health

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that a once-in-a-lifetime traumatic event is affecting our mental health, but many of us seem to feel that we aren’t coping as well as we should be.

Should. That’s a loaded word, isn’t it? We should be kinder, more patient parents. We should appreciate our partners more. We should eat healthier food, and exercise more, and be more productive at work. We should … well, the list is endless. And honestly? Beating yourself up because you aren’t meeting an imaginary standard isn’t the way to feel better.

Here’s what’s true about pandemic living and mental health.

1. We’ve lost our sense of security. Our routines are disrupted, we’ve lost household income, and some of us have lost loved ones. Even if we’ve been relatively unscathed, we’ve sat at home watching news reports of a fatal disease creeping ever closer to home. That’s a recipe for anxiety and depression.

2. Our support networks are disrupted. We haven’t been able to hug our friends or family. The people we rely on to support us through tough times are all going through the same experience and can’t lift us up the way they normally would. We feel isolated, even if we’re surrounded by people.

3. We are spending too much time with our spouses. Yes, I said it. We weren’t meant to be joined at the hip 24-7 to our romantic partners. Relationships thrive when we have space to appreciate them and fresh experiences to bring into them. It can be very disconcerting to realize that when you finally have time together, you spend it arguing.

4. We’ve reached the end of our ability to multi-task. We’re trying to work, homeschool our kids, and live our lives, all in the same physical space. And we feel like we aren’t succeeding at any of it.

5. We’re wondering if we want to go back to life exactly as it was. We miss normal life, except for the parts we don’t miss at all, and it feels overwhelming to contemplate returning to business as usual.

If any of this sounds familiar, congratulations: You’re completely normal.

Having said that, this is a terrific time to do some of the mental housekeeping that we put off when times are good, and we’re too busy to think about the inconvenient stuff: the fact that we don’t feel passionate about our work, or that we sometimes feel blue for weeks at a time and don’t really know why, or that we wish we could communicate better with the people we love.

I’d love to help you chart a course for a future that’s less about what you should do and more about what you want to do. Let’s talk.


Danforth East Wellness, scar tissue release

Scar Tissue Release Therapy

Have you had surgery in the past? Do you have one coming up? Have you had a tendon strain like Achilles tendonitis in the past? Do you have plantar fasciitis or a rotator cuff strain? These are just a few of the conditions we are able to address with our microcurrent point stimulation Scar Tissue Release Therapy (STRT)! STRT is excellent for scars and scar tissue, which forms with injury to the skin. 

What are Scars?
Scars can be external or internal, resulting from wounds that have healed, accidents, or surgery. Scar tissue is thick and fibrous tissue that is generally less flexible than its surroundings. It is important to address scar tissue for a number of reasons:

  1. Scars can be a common cause of stress activation as they are shown to be involved in up-regulating the sympathetic nervous system.
  2. Internal adhesions from scars can cause pain and affect body functions, including hormone regulation.
  3. Circulation and lymph drainage can be impeded by scars.
  4. Emotional trauma and chronic pain can be associated with scar tissue.

How does STRT work?
STRT uses low level electrical impulses to stimulate cellular activity. It is generally completely painless – rarely, if anything, there’s a ‘tingle’ – and is Health and Canada FDA approved. STRT reduces and fades scar tissue and reduces adhesions and restrictions in the body. This helps in a number of ways – reducing pain, normalizing sensation, decreasing stress on the body, improving muscle and organ function, improving blood flow and improving circulation. 

How do appointments work?
An initial appointment involves a history intake, examination and treatment as appropriate. Subsequent appointments are shorter in length and focus on treatments. The number of sessions needed depends on the depth and age of the scar tissue as well as how your body responds. Generally, we find that most individuals respond well within 3-5 sessions.

What types of conditions can be addressed by STRT?

  • Post-surgical scars of any kind (i.e. hip or knee replacement scars, C-section scars)
  • Childhood injury scars
  • Nerve irritation like carpal tunnel or other entrapments
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Acupuncture point stimulation for people frightened of needles

STRT is a therapy provided under Chiropractic care, and as such may be billed as a Chiropractic session. Connect with us if you have any questions about this wonderful therapy and whether it is appropriate for your condition. We look forward to speaking with you soon about how STRT can change your body!!!

Virtual Home Office Assessment by Dr. Elisa – All Proceeds to Charity!

Many of us have transitioned to working from home during this time. This means that our workstations have drastically changed from an ergonomically equipped office setting. But there is good news! – there are a number of simple changes you can make to optimize your at home work environment to help improve both your physical and mental wellbeing!

Over the next few weeks I will be offering a 20 minute virtual ergonomic assessment. During this time I will assess your current at home workstation and provide you with tips and recommendations to improve your workstation set up as well as your posture.

I will be providing this service for a donation of $20.00 in which all proceeds will go towards Friends of Ruby, a charity to support the mental health and well-being of vulnerable LGBTQI2S youth.

If interested, please email me directly to arrange a time slot. Availability is limited to four assessments per week on Mondays and Wednesdays. The fee of $20.00 is required at the time of booking through e-transfer to reserve your spot.

Looking forward to helping you, as well as helping the community!

‘See’ you soon,

Dr. Elisa Petricca


Registered Massage Therapy available again!

We are so excited to announce that as of Monday June 15, 2020 we have registered massage therapy available at the clinic once again!

Susan Tomkins will be in on Thursdays from 11-7 and every other Friday 11-7. We also have a new registered massage therapist, Sarah Podolsky, beginning on Mondays from 3:30-7:30. More information about Susan and Sarah can be found on our website.

A gentle reminder that 2hrs before each appointment a covid prescreening will be sent out to you through email. You will be asked to wash your hands after you enter the premises, and you are required to wear a mask in the clinic, as well as during treatment.

These are new times for us all and we know they are different. We are looking forward to navigating them together, and are excited to provide care for you again!

See you soon!

Susan and Sarah

Immune Support Helpers!

Seasonal changes, cold weather, and less outdoor time often make us more susceptible to catching pesky colds and flus. Here are some of my top tips for staying healthy and happy this (and every) season.

  1. Stress management. Cortisol, our stress hormone, down-regulates our immune system and makes us more susceptible to even minor bugs that we’re exposed to. Keep your stress in-check with gentle exercise, a good sleep routine, and designated time for self-care.
  2. Eat warm, nourishing foods – like veggie soups! Cooked veggies in soup is easier to digest, and keeps you hydrated and nourished. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the warmth of food nourishes the Spleen, which plays a key role in your immune health. A TCM botanical soup – called Change of Season Soup – is one of my favourites. Garlic & mushrooms also contain antimicrobial properties that may help fight off viruses and bacteria. Try adding these to your soups and other dishes for extra benefit!
  3. Nutrient support. Some key players in out immune system include vitamin D, vitamin C & zinc. Many Canadians have insufficient levels of vitamin D (the sunshine hormone) in the winter months, making us more susceptible to getting sick! Vitamin C & Zinc are also great immune supporting nutrients that can be taken at the onset of cold/flu symptoms.
  4. Probiotics. These friendly bacteria help reduce colonization of the bad microbes that cause colds, flus, and other infections. Good quality probiotics can help reduce frequency, duration, and severity of seasonal illnesses. They can also help with digestion, metabolism, and overall immune health. Choose a good quality multi-strain probiotic to keep you and your family feeling great this winter.
  5. Hygiene is the key to prevention. Make sure to wash your hands regularly, especially at work and in public spaces, and avoid touching your face. Disinfect work and home areas as needed. My favourite products to use are natural disinfectants with thieve’s oil, eucalyptus, or tea tree essential oils.

These are all general recommendations that may not be right for everyone. Speak with your naturopathic doctor to decide if these are the best options for you and your family.

In health & happiness,
Dr.Nicole, ND

Our Gift to You: simple strategies to reduce stress this holiday season

With the holidays swiftly approaching we often find our stress levels rising. At Danforth East Wellness we all came together to come up with some concrete ideas to help you enjoy the holidays without as much fuss! Here are the results of our brainstorming!

    1. Get to bed at a regular hour. Turn off devices half an hour before bed to let your mind decompress. At least 7 hours of sleep helps keep our stress hormone in check, and even one night of reduced sleep can significantly increase stress.
    2. Drink enough water. Make sure to intersperse holiday merriment with hydration! Reduce sugary drinks by cutting them down or choosing sparkling water in between other drinks. Limiting your coffee or black tea intake is also important for maintaining a low stress state, especially if you’re sensitive to caffeine.
    3. Get outside for a walk. Sunshine is incredibly important if you can get out during the day. Being in nature has been proven to lower stress, regardless of time of day. At night, the lights out on houses are also a wonderful inspiration.
    4. Have meaningful conversations. Small talk can be stressful. Find a topic that is important to share with loved ones & think about a few things that make you smile. Spread your message this holiday season and be true to how you actually feel.
    5. Know your limits and maintain your boundaries. Take some time to consider what the holidays mean to you and create it. Sometimes that means saying ‘no’. Whether it’s spending time socializing, expressing your creativity in the kitchen, or doing activities with your kids, make sure your decisions are aligned with your needs and desires.
    6. Most of us don’t really need more things. Spend time together, exchange cookies or other edible items, or donate to a cause you believe in. To avoid over-spending – stick to your budget, and communicate with friends when gift exchanges are unnecessary.
    7. Don’t try to squeeze it all in! If time is a crunch, then suggest get togethers in the New Year. Yule actually extends for twelve days after Christmas!
    8. Make a list to help focus and plan. This reduces the anxiety of feeling disorganized. Journaling and writing can shift your mind away from the ‘to-do’s’ and help relieve some emotional burden.
    9. Simple stretches and yoga can help with breathing, and general anxiety. Exercise is great but don’t pressure yourself or overdo things. If feeling acutely stressed, do a brief body scan from head to toes and ask yourself “what do I need in this moment?” It could be any of the above things, so listen to your body and put yourself first.
    10. Enjoy indulging yourself. Food and festivities are meant to be enjoyed. Try not to feel guilty for participating. Be kind to yourself.

We’re also here to support you with your health needs above and beyond this list, as you require!

We hope you and your friends and families have warm wonderful holidays, and see you in the New Year.