Have you had surgery in the past? Do you have one coming up? Have you had a tendon strain like Achilles tendonitis in the past? Do you have plantar fasciitis or a rotator cuff strain? These are just a few of the conditions we are able to address with our microcurrent point stimulation Scar Tissue Release Therapy (STRT)! STRT is excellent for scars and scar tissue, which forms with injury to the skin.
What are Scars?
Scars can be external or internal, resulting from wounds that have healed, accidents, or surgery. Scar tissue is thick and fibrous tissue that is generally less flexible than its surroundings. It is important to address scar tissue for a number of reasons:
- Scars can be a common cause of stress activation as they are shown to be involved in up-regulating the sympathetic nervous system.
- Internal adhesions from scars can cause pain and affect body functions, including hormone regulation.
- Circulation and lymph drainage can be impeded by scars.
- Emotional trauma and chronic pain can be associated with scar tissue.
How does STRT work?
STRT uses low level electrical impulses to stimulate cellular activity. It is generally completely painless – rarely, if anything, there’s a ‘tingle’ – and is Health and Canada FDA approved. STRT reduces and fades scar tissue and reduces adhesions and restrictions in the body. This helps in a number of ways – reducing pain, normalizing sensation, decreasing stress on the body, improving muscle and organ function, improving blood flow and improving circulation.
How do appointments work?
An initial appointment involves a history intake, examination and treatment as appropriate. Subsequent appointments are shorter in length and focus on treatments. The number of sessions needed depends on the depth and age of the scar tissue as well as how your body responds. Generally, we find that most individuals respond well within 3-5 sessions.
What types of conditions can be addressed by STRT?
- Post-surgical scars of any kind (i.e. hip or knee replacement scars, C-section scars)
- Childhood injury scars
- Nerve irritation like carpal tunnel or other entrapments
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Plantar fasciitis
- Achilles tendonitis
- Acupuncture point stimulation for people frightened of needles
STRT is a therapy provided under Chiropractic care, and as such may be billed as a Chiropractic session. Connect with us if you have any questions about this wonderful therapy and whether it is appropriate for your condition. We look forward to speaking with you soon about how STRT can change your body!!!