Cassie (Catherine) Scott MA, RMT

Cassie (Catherine) Scott MA, RMT Danforth East Wellness

Cassie (she/her) is deeply and joyfully committed to the healing power of touch and is delighted to be part of the Danforth East Wellness team. She is a member in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario and a graduate of the Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy. She is also a Rosen Method practitioner and is also certified to practice craniosacral techniques. Email Cassie.


More About The Rosen Method
Helps people reclaim their connection to their bodies and emotional selves through touch, sensing and feeling. Following and acknowledging subtle shifts in muscle tension and breath, Rosen Method’s curious and compassionate touch creates awareness about habitual holding patterns and allows space for what has been held beneath physical and emotional habits to emerge. Rosen Method uses supportive verbal inquiry as a ‘third hand’ to bring awareness to muscular and postural patterns as well as the emotional blocks that can underlie them. In the presence of the deep, accepting listening of Rosen touch, breath expands and tissues soften. The renewed sense of spaciousness and ease can assist people in reconnecting to what has heart and meaning in their lives.

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