Natasha Burrow, BA

Natasha Burrow, Danforth East Wellness

Natasha Burrow (they/them) is a psychotherapist-in-training (Qualifying) at the Gestalt Institute of Toronto. They are gender non-conforming/non-binary queer whose approach is a blend of embodiment, metaphor, humor, and vitality. Gestalt therapy is a relational, experiential, and embodied approach with the goal to help you become more aware. This awareness can then help you to see your experiences and issues in new or different ways. Natasha will work together with you to co-create a place to explore this awareness in a supported way.

Natasha holds degrees in both Psychology and Professional Writing with a specialization in Book Publishing. They have an active movement practice as well as training in dance and yoga, which greatly influences their embodied response and awareness within the co-created field. They also facilitate training for Egale Canada on a variety of topics related to 2SLGBTQI Inclusivity and Diversity. Natasha provides support in a variety of areas and strives to yield to the wisdom and autonomy of each client. Email Natasha.


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